There is just something special about midwest families. Growing up in Wisconsin since I was a baby, you learn quickly that you just have to embrace the cold. Wisconsin winters can be brutal, and most years spring trickles in with pops of warmth surrounded by weeks of never ending cold.
This day was one of those brutal cold spring days. The week before it was in the 70s and days before our shoot the temps plummeted and left us with a forecast in the 30s with snow still on the ground. But that didn’t stop us from heading out on an adventure and soaking in the sun rays pretending to actually feel them! The Kinger’s brought all the love, and even though our noses and toes were frozen, warmth and love radiated through every minute of our session. Sometimes you have to just smile through the chaos, however that presents itself! That is real life, isn’t it? All the beauty in those moments of imperfection is what I am here to capture!